Monthly Archive: May, 2016

Sing Street Review

As time passes by and our dreams subside and memories vanish we’ll always remember the songs that made us cry and the songs that saved our life. The music of our formative years… Continue reading

The New Movie Men Podcast – Walk the Line, Tom Hiddleston and Sausage Parties…

The Movie Men are back with another rootin’ tootin’ good podcast. Our latest offering pits Johnny Cash biopic Walk the Line up against the recent Hank William’s inspired I Saw the Light – who comes… Continue reading

Cinema’s Greatest Scene’s: #9 Blow-Up

Every Friday I’m going to be highlighting and analysing some of cinema’s greatest scenes, or sequences depending on your definition. Some will be familiar, etched indelibly into the iconography of cinema, while others… Continue reading

I Saw the Light: Historical Biopics Need to Stop

Ever since Daniel Day-Lewis confirmed his third Academy Award as Abraham Lincoln, in the ingeniously named Lincoln, biopics have spread like wild fire in the hope of burning bright enough to catch an… Continue reading


Every Friday I’m going to be highlighting and analysing some of cinema’s greatest scenes, or sequences depending on your definition. Some will be familiar, etched indelibly into the iconography of cinema, while others… Continue reading

Son of Saul Review

If war is hell, then the Holocaust must be its horrifying centrepiece. The atrocity was the nadir of modern civilisation and remains an occurrence almost impossible to truly comprehend. For all the attempted… Continue reading

Cinema’s Greatest Scenes: #7 Weekend

Every Friday I’m going to be highlighting and analysing some of cinema’s greatest scenes, or sequences depending on your definition. Some will be familiar, etched indelibly into the iconography of cinema, while others… Continue reading

The Jungle Book Review

Do you remember Christopher Walken’s watch-up-his-ass monologue in Pulp Fiction? How about when he diced with death playing Russian Roulette in The Deer Hunter? And of course, how can we forget his gravity… Continue reading